Dear customer,
I hope you're doing well and enjoying your
Verdandy jeans, jacket, polo, pullover...
We've stared a new initiative @Verdandy,
the Ambassador Program, where we want to
ask you, our customer, to record a short video
testimonial, to tell us what your experience with
Verdandy has been so far (what you think about
Verdandy, our jeans, jackets...) and provides us
with feedback.
We're currently planing our next designs and
productions @Verdandy and it's a great timing to
be able to count with your testimonial/opinion/
feedback, and find out what you really value about
Verdandy, our jeans... So we can make our jeans,
jackets, polos... even better.
As Peter Drucker once stated... “Quality in a service
or product is not what you put into it. It is what the
customer gets out of it.”
And this is so true, that we feel we need to be even
closer to you and listen to what you have to say...
Anyway, if you really want to help us here, with
Verdandy's Ambassador Program, it would be
awesome if you could record a short video with your
mobile phone.
To participate in the Verdandy's Ambassador Program,
you just need to record a video and send it via
wetransfer to
By participating and sending your testimonial video,
you'll get a guaranteed 40€ discount in your next
purchase with us.
We only can offer this to the first 10 customers who
want to participate and help us recording and sending
us a testimonial video.
How does the video need to be? Below you find the
video requirements:
Video lenght: 1:30 to 2 minutes (it can be obviously
longer if you feel so, but please not less than 1:30 mins.).
Format: Vertical. Please make sure you do a vertical shot, so
we can see you wearing the jeans ot jacket while you
talk to the camera.
i) Include a short presentation about you, who you are,
and what brought you / how you got into the world of
Verdandy (it is for us very interesting to know about)
ii) Why do you like/love (in case you like/love of course ;-))
wearing a pair of Verdandy jeans?
iii) Do you feel more confident wearing your Verdandy
jeans over other pants or jeans you have?
iv) Why Verdandy over other jeans brands?
v) Could you share your experience/feelings wearing
your Verdandy jeans?
vi) When wearing the jeans, do you think that they bring
you the good looking feeling?
Thanks so much for participating.
Please send us an email to with your
Name and Surname and the link to your wetransfer or to
your drive (google, dropbox, hotmail...) so that we can
download your video and we can officially acknowledge
your participation into the program.
Best regards
Manuel Rauner
Founder & CEO @Verdandy